Hello. Welcome to the P3-EX Evaluation Survey Study.
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What is P3-EX?
The Prioritize Personalize and Prescribe Exercise (P3-EX) algorithm is an evidence-based clinical decision support system developed by Dr. Linda Pescatello and her research team at the University of Connecticut and Hartford Hospital. The purpose of the P3-EX algorithm is to provide clinicians with an easy-to-use tool that they can use to prescribe exercise to their patients with one or more cardiovascular disease risk factors.
What is the purpose of the study?
The purpose of this study is to collect your feedback on the P3-EX algorithm in terms of its acceptability and functionality of the P3-EX algorithm.
The following are introductions of the P3-EX team members.

Dr. Pescatello (Principal Investigator) is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Kinesiology, University of Connecticut (UConn), Storrs. In 2015, she developed and is the instructor of the UConn online exercise prescription certificate program, ExRx@UConn. She invented the P3-EX algorithm while teaching this program to prescribe exercise for adults with multiple cardiovascular disease risk factors. She is a Senior Editor of the ninth edition of the American College of Sports Medicine’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. She is also one of the 16 scientists in the advisory committee of the second edition of Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
Dr. Pescatello is the founder of P3-EX LLC. P3-EX LLC is a startup software company that Prioritizes Personalizes and Prescribes EXercise for adults with cardiovascular disease risk factors with the algorithm being evaluated in this study.

Shiqi (Study Coordinator) is a current master’s student in the Department of Kinesiology, UConn. He had a key role in designing the study website and coding of P3-EX algorithm. He is also working with Dr. Wu on the systematic review of health and fitness applications on Apple Store and Google Play to evaluate their content and functionality compared to the P3-EX algorithm.

Dr. Wu (Co-Investigator) is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Kinesiology, UConn. He is assisting with the design and implementation of this survey evaluation study and is leading a systematic review of health and fitness applications on Apple Store and Google Play to evaluate their content and functionality compared to the P3-EX algorithm.

Dr. Panza (Co-Investigator) is a Senior Scientist at Hartford Hospital. His work requires daily interaction with health care professionals as Hartford Hospital is an 867-bed referral center with over 1,280 active physicians. He also has personal training certifications from the American College of Sports Medicine and the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He is assisting with the design and implementation of this survey evaluation study.